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Automatically create and prepare your purchase orders. Control all supplier details, prices, authorizations, and your permissions centrally. Save your staff time and avoids the dreaded overstocks and inventory shortages that increase CoGS and erode your margins.

Total Purchasing Cycle Control,
from Start (PO) to Finish!
Monitor order status

Know exactly when a purchase order was sent, if the goods were received in good order, when the invoice is due and if it is paid.
Vendor management

Build outstanding relationships with your vendors. Your purchasing history and details are all in one place.
Order management

No more blind spots. Every checkpoint is recorded—BoM, POs, receiving and invoice.
Procurement forecasts

Preparing purchase lists and quantities using AI, that simulates future demand accurately in line with seasons, holidays, salaries and other events affecting demand

Gain complete visibility of your Orders and Purchases..
A complete and detailed dashboard of procurement operations with which you can monitor the status of orders, automatically create and prepare your POs, benefit from recommendations suggested by the procurement forecast system.

Continuous supply, guaranteed!
Avoid empty shelves with a special platform for suppliers linked to your purchasing management. You can add suppliers and classify them according to custom criteria, track price movements and manage their financial accounts.

Maximize your Purchasing Power, Item by Item!
Shoprin provides an easy experience for POs. Make for each stock item specific times and quantities for purchase, ensuring that there is no shortage, availability of ingredients when needed, and avoiding wasting surpluses. You can also collect alternative purchase options for a specific product in one place and link them to recipes to avoid modifying them in the future in case a product is interrupted or needs to be replaced.

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